Romantic to old Uncategorized

Romantic to old

Romantic to old

Romantic to old is of course the dream of all women and men. Each until closing age. Who doesn’t want to be happy with their partner in old age? Of course, there are lots of couples who want to be like in romantic movies that are faithful to death to pick up and grow old with their partner.

In order for the relationship to look romantic, of course, you have to use a few tricks to make your partner happy. It’s just that being romantic every day the same will certainly make someone bored and bored. The same way makes love bland and tasteless. Maintaining a relationship until old and always romantic is definitely not easy.

For those of you who want to grow old together with your partner, of course, you have to do several steps, such as:

Always give love
Giving love every day will certainly make you always full. But expressing love to a partner who has been together for a long time will certainly be different. Looks like a young person who continues to blush every time he gets a love statement. Viennaclarinetconnection

Being together is one thing that makes them all feel complete. Those of you who are busy at work can spend time with your partner. Taking a vacation together and enjoying time together will certainly give a beautiful moment.


Even though you’ve been together for decades, it doesn’t mean that your love will last forever. To strengthen your relationship and look romantic, you can ask your partner out on a date. Even though you have many children and are adults, you also deserve romantic time with your partner. Invite to chat while enjoying the beautiful atmosphere with your partner. But you have to remember to chat not about work. Instead of reminiscing about your good times with your partner. Inviting your partner to have a husband-and-wife relationship is also something that can make your partner happy.

Not all couples have the same hobbies. Of course, those of you who want to make your partner happy will certainly do everything you can to make them happy. Start finding out what they like the most and try to follow one of your partner’s hobbies. Couples who know that you have the same hobbies will feel happy and invite them to talk about the hobbies they like.

Pasangan Setia Uncategorized

Pasangan Setia

Pasangan Setia

Pasangan setia menjadi tanda yang paling banyak dinanti banyak orang. Siapa yang tidak ingin mendapatkan pasangan yang setia dan langgeng sampai tua. Tentu kalian semua pasti berharap hal yang sama bukan? mencari pasangan yang setia dan tidak berselingkuh. Mencari pasangan yang setia sangatlah susah. Sama seperti mencari jarum di tumpukkan Jerami.

Membuat pasangan setia tentu kalian harus mulai menunjukkan rasa ketertarikan dengan pasangan kalian. saling terbuka dan jujur satu sama lain. Untuk memulai jujur dengan pasangan kalian tentu kalian harus memberanikan diri agar mereka percaya dan tidak merasa terhianati. Untuk membuat pasagan kalian setiap bisa dengan beberapa cara seperti:

Saling mengoda

Saling mengoda di setiap kalian bertemu tentu akan menjadi moment yang membuat kalian Bahagia. Banyak dari pasangan yang hanya mengoda di awal bertemu saja. setelah menjadi kekasih mereka menjadi jarang mengoda. Viennaclarinetconnection – Untuk membuat hubungan kalian langgeng kalian bisa mengoda pasangan kalian. Buat sebuah suasana yang nyaman untuk pasangan yang kalian goda.

  • Saling memuji

Saat pasangan kalian berhasil mengerjakan sesuatu dan bagus maka kalian bisa memberi pujian kepada mereka. Bukan hanya pujian saja yang kalian berikan menghargai pun juga menjadi hal yang paling penting dalam berhubungan. Menghargai setiap pendapat dan memberi pujian yang manis membuat pasangan kalian cinta.

selalu ada
langgeng sampa ajal menjemput//selalu ada
  • Batasan

Setelah kalian resmi berpacaran maka kalian mulai membatasi hubungan. Sebuah hubungan yang bisa saja menjadi boomerang untuk kalian. Atur setiap Batasan tersebut di mulai dari keluar makan dengan teman lawan jenis, waktu dengan teman, dan masih banyak lagi.

  • Menjaga

Dalam berhubungan hal yang paling penting adalah setia. Bila kalian memiliki sebuah rahasia maka hubungan yang sudah terjalin lama bisa putus dan retak. Maka agar tidak mengalami hal tersebut kalian harus saling terbuka dengan pasangan kalian. jangan simpan apa pun rahasia yang kalian miliki.

  • Selalu Ada

Setiap kalian melihat pasangan kalian sedih dan susah maka jangan pergi meninggalkannya. Temanilah dia dan hiburlah dia. Dengan selalu ada di sampingnya maka mereka akan selalu merasa di perhatikan. Rasa suka yang mereka miliki akan semakin bertambah dengan kalian yang selalu menemani setiap sedih, susah maupun senang.

Cara Membangun hubungan romantis Uncategorized

Cara Membangun hubungan romantis

Cara Membangun hubungan romantis

Memiliki hubungan romantis tentu saja bukan hanya dari pasangan saja tetapi harus dari keluarga. Apabila anda yang ingin memiliki hubungan romantis lebih baiknya anda perbaiki terlebih dahulu dari keluarga. Dari keluarga anda bisa menjadi orang yang lebih baik dari yang anda harapkan. Orang – orang yang romantis adalah orang – orang yang memiliki cara pandang berbeda dari pada orang lain. Orang romantis terkenal lebih kalem dan lebih dewasa. 

Memiliki hubungan romantis tentu tidak bisa di lakukan oleh sembarang orang apalagi terhadap lawan jenis. Berikut ini cara membangun hubungan romantis ialah

Memberikan Note cinta

Viennaclarinetconnection – Dengan anda yang mau belajar menjadi orang yang lebih romantis maka lambat laun akan terjadi dengan sendirinya. Semua hal yang di lakukan terus menerus akan menjadi kebiasaan dan anda pun jika tidak melakukannya sekali dalam sehari akan menjadi merasa aneh. Tidak perlu memberikan kata gombal yang berlebihan tetapi berikan ungkapan yang begitu kamu mengharapkan kasih sayang. Memberikan pesan tentu bisa anda lewatkan melalui pesan telepon, pesan pada makan pagi melalui secarik kertas atau pesan apapun yang berkesan bagi pasangan anda.

  1. Perlakuan Fisik
memberi perhatian
memberi pujian kepada pasangan//memberi perhatian

Anda yang memberikan perlakuan fisik tentu saja akan memberikan kesan mendalam bagi pasangan anda. Kontak fisik yang meski anda hanya berikan dengan berpegangan tangan saja tetap akan membuat pasangan anda sungguh berarti. Karena saat bersama anda berjalan beriringan dan anda memegang tangannya menandakan anda ingin menjaganya. Dari hal kecil seperti itu saja apabila anda bisa lakukan terus kepada orang kesayangan anda maka orang yang di samping anda akan merasakan kehangatan. Genggaman tangan yang di sentuhkan saat anda jalan bersama itu memiliki arti yang berbeda dan lebih dari sekedar kata romantis. Sebab kata romantis bisa berkelit berbeda dengan anda yang melakukan kontak fisik secara refleks. 

  1. Berikan Pujian

Yang bisa anda lakukan untuk mencoba menjadi romantis ialah memberikan pujian. Dari pujian yang anda lakukan hanya sekedarnya akan membuahkan hasil maksimal. Anda yang memberikan pujian termasuk memberikan energi positif, tentu saja anda bisa menjadi orang yang menyenangkan.

Express love romantically Uncategorized

Express love romantically

Express love romantically

Declaring love romantically turns out to have to prepare several beautiful stages. Many say that declaring love on a special day can make your partner amazed and won’t refuse. Of course, when you hear this, you won’t waste it in vain.

An opportunity that you can use to express love to your partner. A word of love that can make many fall in love and continue to flower. Love that continues to make a person forget about himself and continues to make hot feelings abysmally. Having a feeling like that certainly makes you impatient to express your love in romantic ways.

Steps to get the heart

Now, for those of you who want to express love romantically, of course, you have to prepare things that smell sweet and act as a surprise. There are several preparations that you can choose in expressing love, namely: Viennaclarinetconnection

Using flowers
No need for expensive jewelry, you can express your love romantically. Prepare flowers that are your partner’s favorite and invite them to a place that you think is romantic. Even though it looks ancient but this method is very successful.

using flowers//state

Make a sweet surprise by singing a romantic song. You can invite your partner to a place that looks normal but gives an unforgettable meaning. Singing a song expressing love with great affection will make your partner touched and accept it with pleasure.

Invite your partner to have dinner at the place you have prepared. When your partner is enjoying the atmosphere, you can read his poetry. If you memorize it, you can immediately express it. But if you don’t memorize it, you can take a few romantic words and read them in front of your partner.

Chasing after The woman he loves must know the kind of surprise that can leave them speechless. Make an appointment to meet your partner. then you set every step that your partner will go through. at the meeting place prepare some flower petals in the shape of a heart. When it’s high tide, you look with a surprised face, then go ahead and express your love in front of your partner.


Romantic words for the lover

Romantic words for the lover

You can use romantic words for your lover by expressing what is in your heart. Each pair will certainly find the right moment to express love. You can use each of these moments by giving affection and warm hugs. Preparing sweet words can make someone float and can’t say anything.

For those of you who want to look sweet, you can use opportunities when you are together, on a date, for a walk, or for dinner together. Moments that you can set and prepare a few words that can make your partner melt. Of course, those of you who are experts will have no trouble saying a few sweet words to your partner.

Sweet words

But it’s different for those who are just starting to establish love, of course, they will feel very awkward when expressing love. Do some exercises to look perfect in front of your partner. For those of you who are confused about romantic words, you can use a few words like Viennaclarinetconnection

I love you
If you’re not by my side, everything becomes empty
Your sweet smile makes me happy
Anything about you I like it
A day without seeing each other feels like a year
Getting you gave me many blessings in my life
You are driving me crazy
Not seeing you feels like the soul has died
Do not leave me. My world is only for you
Let’s live old together forever
Happy life with children
Everything I have I will give to you
Choose me and there will be lots of love for you
My love does not know your status
Love you for who you are and much more

prepare your heart and mind//romantic

Prepare a little surprise

Hearing many words of love will certainly make the anniversary flowery. A word that has succeeded in knocking down someone’s defenses. A romantic word that turns out to be able to melt an awkward atmosphere. For those of you who want to make your partner look intimate and in love, you can prepare a small gift or a small surprise. A sign that makes them unable to forget the good memories.

Romantic Cause Uncategorized

Romantic Cause

Romantic Cause

Romance is usually done by men to women. But all of that is not true if there is an aggressive attitude in women. People who will be romantic are people who do have a loving and gentle nature. Not everyone has romantic traits, but romantic attitudes can be learned. Here are people who can turn romantic

Like someone

viennaclarinetconnection – An arrogant person can become a romantic person if he wants to fight for the person he cares about. Of course, this change in attitude could be temporary or you really don’t want to see your partner get hurt. When there is someone who is stubborn and has a rude attitude but changes for the sake of his woman, that is exactly what must be supported. Because people who are naughty turn out to be good and usually more sincere than people who seem good.

Watching romantic dramas

be more considerate//sweet

People who are inspired by dramas or films from television or storybooks do not rule out being bored. There’s nothing wrong with changing your lifestyle for a while so you don’t feel bored.


Couples who are already responsible will be more able to make their partner more comfortable. So that a sense of responsibility will be given fully to himself and his partner. A form of romance that is rarely understood by everyone is having responsibility. If there is commitment and responsibility then you can be a happy person.

Whatever the reason you want to be romantic with your partner or vice versa, you don’t need to doubt the previous things. Because people who understand and believe you will change will still be beside you. There is nothing to be afraid of when you can prove your best. And if you are given the opportunity to be the best, then you must be a better version than before. It’s not a matter of disappointing your partner but you who have lied to yourself. One’s biggest lie is often lying to oneself. Often lying to yourself is also the trigger of why he becomes an arrogant person.

A romantic hug to partner Uncategorized

A romantic hug to the partner

A romantic hug to the partner

A romantic hug to your partner can help you become more united and together. Many think that a hug is just a sign of an ordinary hug. Nothing has any meaning. But did you know that hugs can also make your days more romantic with your partner?

There are lots of benefits to getting hugs. It’s just that not everyone has the same thought. Giving a hug is the same as giving space to your partner. Many think that they can make something romantic just by having sex in bed.

Not just a hug

Viennaclarinetconnection – But did you know that a romantic attitude isn’t just in bed but can be done by giving a warm hug? Of course, those of you who have a partner will not lose your beautiful moments together, right? Hugs are not just hugs but hugs also provide many benefits for you such as:

Stress gone

Every time you experience a problem, of course, it will make you feel heavy and your brain doesn’t want to think. This is what sometimes often makes people susceptible to blood pressure and makes emotions rise. Getting rid of all your tiredness and annoyance is very easy. Giving a hug is not only comforting but can also help reduce excessive stress and can help stabilize your pressure.

suppress the negative//love
Feelings of care and love

To give a hug to your partner, of course, you don’t need to ask permission. A hug that can make the heart calm and also happy. A hug that will signal that your partner really loves you.


A hug can also give other signs besides giving a sign of love. Hugs can also be interpreted if your partner starts to be interested in you. Always give the impression of belonging and make it seem as if the relationship that was briefly starting to rise again. a sense of attraction that makes your partner not want to separate.

Teachers love

In addition to giving a sense of comfort and happiness. You can also teach love and affection to children. A sense of mutual protection and affection.

Presents a romantic atmosphere Uncategorized

Presents a romantic atmosphere

Presents a romantic atmosphere

Presenting a romantic atmosphere for your lover certainly requires courage and mentality in dealing with it. Want to always make your partner proud and feel loved, of course, you have to prepare some things that look romantic. Presenting a romantic atmosphere will make your partner like and love you more.

When you are fighting with your partner, you will increasingly not want to separate. A romantic gesture that can make them remember the relationship they have together. For those of you who want to create a romantic atmosphere then do a few things:


Viennaclarinetconnection – To express feelings to your partner not only with cute objects or with words. To be able to make the atmosphere even more romantic, you can choose to sing some romantic songs. Choose the type of song you can sing together. Even if your voice is a bit ugly it will not make the relationship end. But it will make you more affectionate.


very romantic thing//together

Playing games alone is of course for the gamer’s soul it is very fun. But if you have a partner, don’t just play alone. Invite your partner to play along. Choose the type of game you can play together. Choose the type of game that is funny, unique, and easy to play with your partner.


If you want to strengthen your relationship with your partner, you can start by inviting your partner to take a vacation together. Invite a romantic place that you can visit. Take time and choose a romantic place that you can enjoy together.


Many couples only give gifts at certain moments. But did you know that the joy of getting gifts only at certain times will make you get bored easily? So in order for your relationship to last, try giving a small gift to your partner every day. You don’t need to be expensive, you can start by giving beautiful flowers, accessories and so on.


Having dinner alone in a romantic atmosphere will make your heart sad. But things will be different when you do it with a partner. The atmosphere of a romantic dinner will make your partner happy and honored.