Sewa pacar masuk penjara Uncategorized

Sewa pacar masuk penjara

Sewa pacar masuk penjara

Sewa pacar masuk penjara menjadi salah satu fenomena yang terbaru. Salah satu berita viral yang tidak akan disangka oleh banyak orang. Ingin merasakan bagaimana rasanya memiliki pacar malah masuk ke dalam penjara. Di Taiwan tidak melarang sepasang kekasih bersikap romantic. Hanya saja tetap harus ada batasan dan tidak melewati batas.

Seorang mahasiswa yang tidak mempunyai pasangan bisa melakukan sebuah kontrak dengan perusahaan kencan. Di dalam kontrak tersebut orang yang menyewa tidak boleh melanggar aturan yang telah di tuliskan di dalam kontrak. Masa sewa hanya berjalan selama tiga jam saja tidak boleh lebih. Apabila sang pengontrak melanggar aturan tersebut maka akan mendapatkan sangsi dan hukuman.

Terbawa Suasana

Sungguh tidak menyenangkan bukan hanya berpacaran tiga jam sudah membuat sang pengontrak mengalami masalah dengan polisi. Viennaclarinetconnection Bersikap mesra dengan pasangan kencan tentu saja bisa kalian lakukan sewajarnya tetapi bertindak kurang agar menjadi beda cerita. Tidak semua orang yang melakukan kontrak kencan setuju dengan perbuatan yang tercela tersebut.

Banyak yang berpikir kalau melakukan kontrak kencan bisa merasakan moment indah seperti pasangan pada aslinya. Di kasus yang dialami oleh sang pengontrak pun jadi tidak bisa berkata apa – apa lagi. Akibat sikap kurang ajar dan tidak sopannya pria tersebut sang wanita kencan langsung pergi melapor ke pihak berwajib.

Di sidang dan di tahan

masuk penjara melecehkan wanita//masa indah

Dari hasil laporan tersebut mengatakan kalau pihak pengontrak telah melakukan Tindakan senonoh dan telah melanggar kontrak perjanjian. Sehingga polisi segera menangkap pemuda tersebut dan mengamankan di kantor polisi. Agar masalah tidak di perpanjang pihak pengontrak pun menuliskan permintaan maaf kepada wanita tersebut.

Meski demikian hukum tetap harus di tegakkan. Sang pengontrak ditahan karena telah melakukan pelecehan terhadap wanita. Kasus yang terlihat sederhana ini ternyata harus di bawa ke jalur hukum dengan hasil sidang yang mengatakan kalau sang pengontrak di nyatakan bersalah di tahan selama enam bulan dengan denda Sembilan puluh juta. Mendengar keputusan hakim tersebut membuat pria pengontrak tidak terima dan melakukan naik banding. Hanya saja hal tersebut tetap tidak membuatnya menang melainkan kalah telak.

Bahasa romantic Is it true that men are considered more romantic? Uncategorized

Is it true that men are considered more romantic?

Is it true that men are considered more romantic?

Is it true that men are considered more romantic than women? Lots of people who are in pairs want their relationship to last until marriage level. Living old life together until called by the ALMIGHTY. Almost of all couples who are in love, most men are more passionate about tying a relationship.

There are surveys in several countries that on a beautiful day with a partner, men spend more money. Preparing for a special moment with their loved ones is very beautiful. They will also give various types of gifts and banquets to make it look romantic in front of their partner.


There are several experts and some evidence that men are more romantic. Based on observations, it can be seen that men can describe everything about the women they love. Every word and the language spoken is very different from women who are only assessed very quickly and easily. Viennaclarinetconnection

There are several things that can make you believe that men can be more romantic, namely:

It’s easy to fall in love

There is a saying that a man who gets his first love will respond immediately. A love that they think can develop to a closer level. Can respond to all needs quickly and control emotions when together with a partner.


give anything to make the person he loves happy//Spirit

A thought that does not think too complicated. Can convey feelings with the love they feel. So when they want to take it further, men usually don’t think it’s weird about the life they live.

Break up
Men who get love can sometimes make mistakes and fight a lot. From every fight, sometimes the woman always asks to break up with the man. Unlike the men who have loved to death and are not willing to break up with their partners. Better dead than not together.

Have you ever asked your partner who they care more about in life? Most of the men will answer with embarrassment. More to maintain love than family and siblings.

Long-lasting Marriage Tips Uncategorized

Long-lasting Marriage Tips

Long-lasting Marriage Tips

Marriage is about 2 people who will become one. Married people will definitely make themselves live a good life. Living a good life is a person who has a tolerance. Long-lasting Marriage Tips

The marriage that must be lived later is not just 1 or 2 years. But you have to make sure you have a relationship that lasts a lifetime. What makes it difficult for couples to live to last is

  1. Communication
    Difficult or infrequent communication will make partners quickly drift apart. People who already understand the character of a partner must be able to accept it. By accepting that any relationship will be lasting. Smooth communication will make the people around you better.

Viennaclarinetconnection – If you are an introvert, keep communicating. Even though the communication you provide is only modest. Even ordinary communication will make the relationship between lovers and husband and wife closer.


people who have an understanding of their partners will certainly last longer. Giving understanding not only during courtship but during the marriage is the most important. Because the relationship during marriage requires a lot of understanding. But the meaning that is meant is to understand the conditions experienced by his partner at that time.

implementing communication systems every day//loyal
  1. Mutual Respect
    mutual respect for decisions and mutual respect for privacy is important. Before getting married, make sure what privacy must be respected and what decisions need to be respected. Never as the head of the household should and really want to be respected.
  2. Mutual acceptance
    Accepting each other’s weaknesses and strengths from each partner is what you are already great at. Because people who want to accept all their weaknesses and strengths without complaining are a blessing. By being able to accept your partner’s weaknesses and strengths, you reflect that you can accept yourself. Because a partner is a reflection of yourself.
  3. Learn to Forgive
    forgiveness is necessary but as a couple also need to learn to change. Don’t just want to be forgiven for the same mistake. Because humans are created by having a brain and mind. If the same mistake is repeated several times, it will be very difficult to forgive it.
Better romantic Or Kind Uncategorized

Better romantic Or Kind

Better romantic Or Kind

Better romantic or nice are 2 different things. But everyone will ask. Those of you who ask someone to be kind and affectionate certainly have different times. Good andRomantic things must be made according to taste so that we can be truly good selves.

What causes a person to be more affectionate?

Viennaclarinetconnection – Almost everyone will do anything to look romantic in front of their partner. People who are able to give sweet words and cute attitudes. They usually show this to their loved ones. Did you know that a person’s good and harmonious attitude is usually obtained from a harmonious family relationship full of happiness?

Recognize based on character and actions

Nice people can be romantic and can’t be lovey-dovey either. But good people will never choose another attitude even if the person they are making out with is insensitive. Because being a good person is a choice.

good can not necessarily be romantic//can make you happy

Many people don’t know that people who have romantic traits can be the worst and worst people in the world. Easily bored and there is no challenge in a relationship. People who are in love will sometimes show different behavior. Someone will change their attitude and behavior when they feel disappointed or angry.

Sweet attitude and love for loved ones

  • sensitive and sweet attitude
  • Say words of love
  • Physical Touch
  • Praise
  • Prizes
Happy weekend with a partner Uncategorized

Happy weekend with a partner

Happy weekend with a partner

Being happy on a Saturday night with your partner, of course, often makes them uncomfortable. Many people don’t know that meeting their loved ones on Sundays can be very exciting. Besides having a lot of a long time, many couples sometimes prepare several plans to be able to vacation together.

It’s no wonder that many couples are very happy when they hear the word Saturday night. The day that makes couples forget the time and stay together all day long. If you hear the word Saturday night, of course, you can’t wait for Saturday and Sunday. A day that can give a lot of time with your partner.

Happy weekend

Of course, those of you who want to continue to be with your partner will do many things to be happy always. There are several ways you can always be happy with your partner, such as Viennaclarinetconnection


The day together is certainly not to be missed. Make some fun plans together with your partner. You can spend time together while going out to eat, or take a vacation, or you can also invite them to watch movies at your favorite cinema.


Make an unexpected surprise for your partner. You can give a surprise by holding a dinner together or giving beautiful gifts such as flowers or greeting cards to your partner.

the day that makes everything so beautiful//together

Even though you are already a couple, you still have to spend time with your partner. Not just to meet but take the time to listen to all your spouse’s complaints. chatting with each other to get rid of the awkwardness when meeting a partner.

Many people think that people who are already in a relationship don’t need time alone anymore. Seeing each other every day can make a harmonious couple. But not everyone thinks so. Even though they are already lovers, they still need free days for each partner. A day where you can be alone without other activities.

Choose a place that you think is different from the others. Going together in the same place can sometimes make your partner bored. Then try to find a different place with a new atmosphere. You can make new memories with your loved ones.

Kata – kata lucu yang memberi kesan romantic Uncategorized

Kata – kata lucu yang memberi kesan romantic

Kata – kata lucu yang memberi kesan romantic

Kata – kata lucu yang memberi kesan romantic ternyata bukan hanya di dalam cerita dongeng saja. Bagi kalian yang sudah mengenal pasangan kalian tentu akan dengan mudah mengoda dan membuat kesan lucu di hati pasangan kalian. Banyak para pasangan yang bertahan sampai umur tua dan ada pula yang sampai ke jenjang masa pernikahan yang indah dan awet.

Tentunya ingin memiliki kesan cinta dan awet dengan pasangan harus melakukan beberapa hal yang bisa membuat hubungan kalian awet. Bukan hanya memupuk dan disiram dengan kata – kata cinta saja. Terkadang perbuatan juga bisa membuat sikap seseorang bisa menjadi tambah manis dan nakal.

Nakal tapi mengelitik

Viennaclarinetconnection – Tidak semua kata – kata romantic yang manis bisa membuat hati kalian mengelitik. Ada pula beberapa kata nakal yang bisa membuat kalian semakin cinta dan sayang dengan pasangan kalian. Tentunya banyak dari kalian yang penasaran bukan dengan kata – kata nakal yang memberi kesan lucu dan manis.

Berikut beberapa kata yang bisa kalian coba gunakan untuk merayu pasangan kalian

  • Janji tidak akan nakal dan kecewain kamu lagi. kalau kumat lagi aku janji lagi kekamu
  • Lihat mataku sedalam – dalamnya ada kamu di dalam sana
  • Bila kamu jadi bunga maka aku akan jadi tanahnya
  • Lihat kamu jadi ingat dengan mentega yang meleleh. Melihat kamu hatiku ikut meleleh
  • Tahu ngak kalau handphone bisa menyimpan banyak foto dari ratusan sampai ribuan, sama dengan hatiku yang sangup menyimpan hatimu
  • Kopi pahit bikin aku meringis. Melihat kamu hatiku menari – nari
  • Melihat kamu seperti melihat kue. Rasanya ingin aku makan dan miliki kamu
  • Malam indah di temani dengan para bidadari cantik. Mau tidur malah di marahi bidadari katanya “masa saya harus jagain saingan saya”. Dan masih banyak lagi
meluluhkan hati wanita//bahagia

Bergaya nakal yang menantang

Setiap kata – kata yang terlihat nakal dan gombal belum tentu bisa membuat hati kalian marah. Justri kata – kata tersebut bisa membuat hati kalian berbunga – bunga. Banyak orang yang selalu mengira bila ingin mendapatkan seorang pasangan dan mendapatkannya harus dengan menggunakan kata – kata manis.

Sebuah kata yang mampu meluluhkan hati wanita. Memang benar wanita akan mudah luluh saat mendapatkan kata yang romantic. Tapia da juga beberapa wanita yang merasa kalau hanya bermulut manis saja tidaklah cukup dan tidak menantang. Justru bertemu dengan pria yang memiliki pemikiran nakal dengan gaya imut membuat banyak wanita suka.

Gaya foto prewedding yang romantic Uncategorized

Gaya foto prewedding yang romantic

Gaya foto prewedding yang romantic

Gaya foto prewedding yang romantic bisa kalian coba untuk mendapatkan sebuah momen yang pas. Foto prewedding menjadi keharusan di dalam setiap pernikahan. Bisa mengabadikan setiap moment kebersamaan bersama pasangan kalian. Banyak para pasangan yang menggunakan foto prewedding sebagai tambahan di acara pernikahan.

Ada pula yang menjadikan hasil foto prewedding sebagai souvenir dan foto undangan. Tentunya kalian yang sudah mendekati hari pernikahan harus bisa menentukan jenis gaya prewedding yang kalian inginkan. Bila kalian belum menemukan gaya foto prewedding yang romantic bisa dengan menggikuti beberapa gaya keren dari beberapa website.

Di setiap gayanya bisa kalian tiru dan kalian pilih sesuai dengan keinginan kalian. Berikut beberapa gaya yang bisa kalian ikuti yaitu:

Berfoto sambil bergandengan tangan di bawah pohon rindang

Untuk kalian yang tidak terbiasa dengan gaya foto atau kaku bisa dengan mencoba menggunakan gaya foto bergandengan tangan sambil berjalan di bawah pohon rindang. Menampilkan ekspresi manis dan senyum kecil di saat mengambil foto. Viennaclarinetconnection

  • Gaya klasik

Bagi kalian yang pecinta gaya santai bisa dengan mencoba gaya bergandengan tangan sambil memegang Bunga kering. Tampilkan gaya manis kepada pasangan kalian dengan santai tanpa perlu dipaksakan.

  • Berdiri ditengah kota

Ingin tampil lebih keren bisa dengan melakukan pose foto berdiri ditengah kota. Untuk bergaya kota ini kalian para wanita juga tidak perlu menggunakan gaun putih yang Panjang. Cukup dengan menggunakan gaya yang maskulin atau cool.

Foto dirumah

bisa memilih konsep foto yang diinginkan//santai

Bila kalian ingin mengabadikan momen indah dengan pasangan bisa mencoba berfoto dirumah. Gunakan gaya nyaman kalian saat dirumah dan sambil mengexpresikan saling cinta dengan natural.

  • Bergaya di Pantai

Lokasi pantai bisa menjadi salah satu inspirasi dalam mendapatkan foto prewedding. Expresikan kebahagian kalian dengan bermacam gaya seperti kejar – kejaran di pantai, bermain air, membuat istana pasir dan masih banyak lagi.

  • Seorang diri

Tidak semua pasangan menunjukkan foto prewedding dengan bergaya berdua. Ada pula beberapa wanita dan pria bergaya sendiri – sendiri. Sebuah pose yang menunjukkan rasa rindu dengan pasangan kalian. kebanyakkan para wanita hijab yang terkadang menunjukkan gaya keren seperti menunggu pasangannya datang dengan expresi rindu.

Tempat honeymoon di jepang Uncategorized

Tempat honeymoon di jepang

Tempat honeymoon di jepang

Jepang merupakan tempat paling menarik sekali di kunjungi para wisatawan termasuknya para pasangan pengantin. Untuk anda para pengantin yang ingin berlibur ke jepang bisa menjadi artikel ini refrensi untuk honeymoon. Beberapa tempat honeymoon di jepang yang bisa kalian kunjungi.

  1. Karuizawa
    akan lebih indah apabila ke karuizawa pada musim panas. Jangan salah di karuizawa ini seperi kawasan puncak sehingga saat musim panas tidak panas dan tidak juga dingin saat itu. Tempat ini masih begitu alami sekali sehingga anda masih bisa merasakan turunan dan bisa merasakan udara sejuknya. Viennaclarinetconnection
  1. Sagano Kyoto
    Tempat ini terkenal akan hutan bambu serta kereta uap. Kereta uap yang ada di sana akan selalu beraktivitas pada musim apapun. Tempat ini sangat cocok sekali untuk melakukan honeymoon karena suasana yang tenang.
mengisi hari libur dengan indah//pose cantik
  1. Okinawa
    Okinawa merupakan sebuah pulau yang memiliki keindahan alam tak terduga. Tentu saja apabila sekedar berjalan jalan saja berdua akan membuat anda bosan. Anda bisa melakukan kegiatan snorkeling untuk mengisi acara honeymoon di waktu senggang. 
  1. Tempozan osaka
    biasanya naik bianglala hanya melihat bangunan atau orang orang berjalan kesana kemari tetapi do tempozan akan memberikan pengalaman menarik. Anda yang bermain bianglala pada tempozan akan menikmati keindahan pegunangan dan lautan yang bersamaan.

    5. Minoh Park, Osaka
    Jika di indonesia anda melihat air terjun di temani dengan daun kehijauan. Namun saat berada di taman ini anda akan melihat daun berwarna kemerahan karena pergantian musim. Untuk mendapatkan warna daun seperti itu lebih baiknya anda saat musim gugur. 
Romantic with partner after 10 years Uncategorized

Romantic with a partner after 10 years

Romantic with a partner after 10 years

Being romantic with your partner after 10 years can make the couple’s relationship last forever. This marriage, which can still be said to be the age of corn, can actually change the mood of the partners. Of course, you don’t want this to happen, do you? Sometimes even a long marriage can make someone suffer. Romantic with a partner after 10 years

It’s no wonder you often hear that someone who is getting bored doesn’t like staying in the house long enough. More often looking for fun outside the home than hanging out with a partner. There are also several couples who also often commit acts of domestic violence.

So that your relationship with your partner remains romantic even though you have been married for more than ten years, you can apply several steps such as Viennaclarinetconnection

Always give a smile

Living a long enough marriage will certainly make you often experience the name of quarrels, differences of opinion, and some conflicts that often occur in every household. Solving every problem with emotion will certainly have a bad impact on every couple. So that the problem doesn’t drag on and doesn’t heat up, you can solve all problems with a cold mind and always give a smile of enthusiasm in going through all problems.

Joke with your partner
Take your time to relax and relieve fatigue by entertaining your partner. make a little joke to be able to change the atmosphere to be warm and comfortable.

start to familiarize yourself//together


Always meeting and face to face every day might seem normal. time together looks normal and has no progress. Start talking to your partner or your child. You can discuss something that allows your little family to talk and tell stories.

Take a break from routine

Bored is something that is often said by many people. Whether married or still dating. Doing the same activities over and over again makes someone bored. To get rid of this boredom, you can start doing new activities that can turn boredom into curiosity.

Words and language
When having an opinion, of course, there are some people who will say a word that is sometimes unpleasant to hear. This often makes a person emotional. You can start arguing with relaxed and polite language. A word that can later make your family harmonious.

The romantic style that can be imitated Uncategorized

The romantic style that can be imitated

The romantic style that can be imitated

The romantic style can be imitated by everyone. Every couple will certainly always show a beautiful smile and also some romantic things. Seeing other people who are romantic will certainly make you jealous and want to be like them. You can often see various romantic things in several movie scenes.

In a relationship, of course, you have to do it in a healthy way. Share and support each other in all things for your partner. a relationship that is formed without any reward. Sincere love is key in a relationship. Of course, for those of you who want to get a healthy relationship, you can take a few steps such as:


Viennaclarinetconnection – When you are not with your partner, of course, it feels lonely and empty. You can keep each other informed. There are many ways to keep each other informed. You can try sending messages, video calls, or telephone. Ask anything you want to ask from asking Health, or mood, or you can also ask what gift they want to get. News that can reply to each other as long as you can hear the voice of the partner you love.


Many people say that people who like to say sweet words are people who like to seduce. Not everyone will use sweet words to seduce. But a sweet word that you can use to sincerely compliment your partner. A compliment that can make your partner happy.

imitating a healthy way of making love//complete each other

Not asking for anything in return

Being in a relationship will certainly make you spend a lot of time with your partner. Not all couples ask for a reward. Rather they will offer easy and show love to each other. In a word love, there is no such thing as looking at the material in a relationship.

Love and thank you
When in a relationship the most important thing is to say thank you and say the word love. A word that can make your partner respect each other and last. Keywords that will make your relationship last.

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